Aug 15, 2014

Two Homes

First of all, I'm sorry for not updating the blog for almost two months. I'm not going to explain why I haven't written because whatever I say it will be an excuse.

Anyhow, after visiting Cambodia, I've decided to end my travel in South East Asia. I felt like I was at a point of just wondering around without any intention if I just continued. I don't mean I had to have intention all the time during my travel; a part of the fun of travelling for me was not to have any intention/plan. Basically I felt very satisfied with my experiences in this past four months and felt like it was time to go home.
I went back to Missoula Montana for a few weeks to see my husband, where my home is, and now I am in Japan, where also my home is, working at my brother's farm in Nagano for the summer.

Now I look back all of my experiences during the travel, I feel it is like a dream. In a way it was a dream. Even though all of my experiences were very thick and meaningful, I often felt like things I was experiencing was not real. I mean, I felt like I was always in someone else life and not my own. Maybe that's how people who keep travelling are; not to grow roots in a particular place. Of course it was me choosing what to experience each moment, but I realized everything I chose was momentary.
Before I started travelling, I wasn't sure why I wanted to travel so bad, but I sort of figured it out while I was travelling: wanted to intentionally get off from a rail of the society, thought that travelling = freedom, looking for "happiness", wanted to live "now", just wanted to see other worlds, wanted to rest, and so on.
I think I've completed all of the above, and I've realized I can have pretty much all of them no matter where I am. It's all up to me.
Everything in this world exist as momentary and so I also should live "now" as each moment. I know I am contradicting myself by saying this, but I missed something solid. I missed my own life that I can create with people I care. Problems exist everywhere but as long as you have the basic necessities, which I am very fortunate that I have them, happiness exists in ourselves. To live "now" is still my life time goal while I live in this crazy and hectic but exciting world. As of now, I am excited to just live and create with whatever we have available, which is endless.

At the end, I want to thank you to my family, friends, and more friends I met during my travel to support me and made my time precious. And I want to specially thank you to my dear husband/life partner, Steve, for being patient and supportive for my well-being.



