Apr 3, 2014

Frog Hunting

Alhan, the owner of the guest house, offered me to go to her home in a countryside to see a local life. Alhan has two kids: one is ten years old, Ton Fun, who loves to eat, and five years old, Ton Fai, who is very silly and tomboy. They live in the mountain during the school vacation with their dad and live in Chiangmai for the rest of the time. Even though they were pretty shy at the beginning, they warmed up with me pretty quickly. Kids are great because we can communicate by playing together without words. Even though Ton Fun is only ten-year-old, he drives a motorbike and he took me to a little village market by me riding on the back of his motorbike. The life there is once again very simple and casual. They have a fire place in the kitchen and make fire every time they cook. The kids automatically help with cooking and cleaning dishes. Ton Fai, the five-year-old, uses a cooking knife very well and peels and cut a papaya.
On the second night Ton Fun invited me to go to frog hunting with his friend. Ton Fun and I rode on the back of a motorbike with his 13-year-old friend being a driver. We stopped by a few fields with a flash light with our hands. I couldn't tell if it was a legal or illegal to do frog hunting at night because they sometimes ordered me to turn off the light quickly for not being seen by other people. At the beginning I thought this frog hunting is just for fun thing to do for kids, but I was wrong. I saw several other adults as well with flash lights and I stopped being silly after I realized that they were dead serious including the friend of Ton Fun. I started wondering if these frogs had to be for food, and I was right. What was amazing was that they had some special eyes in the dark to find tiny frogs that were same gray color as the dirt. Ton Fun and I teamed up and went to a separate way from the friend. Ton Fun told me that I should look for flashing eyes when I look for them. Once we saw something was flashing, so we slowly got close to it and it was a firefly... I pretty much squat walked to try to look for them closely with my flashlight, and I found two frogs which I missed to catch both of them. Ton Fun found three of them but he also missed two. So at the end we only got one...At the other hand, Ton Fun's friend got more than ten! I couldn't figure out how he did it, but when he searched them, he didn't squat and tried to find them by his feet like I did. He just illuminated ten feel away with his flash light and somehow found them. In fact it wasn't just him. Everybody else was doing the same way except Ton Fun and me. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I didn't get to see how they prepare to eat them because Alhan didn't want to kill the frog because she is a Buddhist and so we let them go. I did understand Alhan's feeling but at the same time I couldn't help myself feeling bad for Ton Fun's friend because they were food for people in the mountain (even though Alhan paid him later). I assume people who live in the mountain are also Buddhist, but their actions can differ depending on their life style.


Ton Fai playing with her teddy bear

Ton Fun eating cabbage - yam yam

Dad and Ton Fai preparing lunch at the kitchen

Ton Fun's friend who is very good at frog hunting

Neighbor who is a part of Karen

Alhan and Ton Fun taking nap

1 comment:

  1. This is a great story. It sounds just like you, Mayo. I could see you telling it after we got a surprise donation of frog seasoning or something at the Foodbank. Good pix, too.:)
