Mar 29, 2014

Japan at Thailand

Even though I've been in Thailand only for 5 days, I rarely feel cultural differences between Thailand and Japan (so far). I'm actually surprised how similar we are. If I have to say one difference, I'd say that Thai people are much more relaxed than Japanese (I guess I've been seeing the same thing in every country I have gone so far). A bakery that I've been going near the guest house has a same atmosphere that I feel in some of bakeries/cafes in Japan. Many of the workers can speak Japanese (it seems pretty common in many other places as well). The signs are written in Thai, English, and Japanese. There are Japanese magazines that I sometimes read in Japan. Then, I found out that the owner of the bakery is married with Japanese woman. They seem to have many regular customers and I don't stop hearing chitchats and sounds of laughter between the workers/workers and workers/customers.
I asked Alhan, the owner of the guest house, what Thai people think about tourists. She said "We like them. We have respect". In fact she has mentioned "respect" so many times in our conversations. She also told me that they respect animals including cats and dogs. Even for cows, pigs, and chickens, when they kill them, they take a small part of them and consecrate to gods. When I told her my experience eating cats and dogs in Vietnam, she said that eating cats is like eating monks in Thai. There are tons of dogs everywhere. Some are pets and others are street dogs who are often taken care by monks at temples. I can't help feeling at ease at this place.


A boy and baby I met around Laos & Thai border

Dogs hanging out at an entrance of a temple

Street musicians - I loved their smile :)

Alhan (at right), who got a little too much drink at Karaoke :)


1 comment:

  1. タイと日本がそんなに近いなんて全然しらなかった!犬や猫を食べないと聞いてとても嬉しい。。。というかそれが私には常識だけに安心です^^
