Mar 17, 2014


I arrived in Vientiane, Laos a week ago from Hanoi, Vietnam by bus. It took 22 hours, which was faster than I expected, probably because I was in sleep for 3/4 of the way. At the border I had to pay 20000 kip (about $2.5, they even gave me a discount without me asking!)  instead of 10000 kip since my Vietnam visa was expired over one day since the bus took over night.
You would realize right away that Laos is so much more chilled than Vietnam by seeing the traffic and people. There are less motorbikes and they rarely honk at each other. I can see the traffic rules are more organized and people actually follow the rules. There are many monks who are wrapped with orange cloth walking sometimes with an umbrella for avoiding the sun. I can also look things with my own pace without a storekeeper standing right next to me. They rarely make discount but don't try to rip you off either.
The weather is really nice and can be too hot especially for me since I was used to cold Montana/Tokyo and rainy Vietnam weather. My shirt gets soaking wet just by walking around but dries quickly too. I haven't heard the scream of cicadas for a long time.

After staying in Vientiane for four days (a part of reasons I left was that I met a girl who got bitten by bedbugs in one of the hostels), I took another bus for four hours to come to another small town,Vang Vieng. It is well known for vacation place by many Europeans. It sounds like it can be a party town at night but it is very quiet and peaceful during the day. There are many big beautiful rocky mountains rising ahead with Nam Song river surrounded by dense colorful green trees. People either going to play in the river doing kayaking, tubing, and swimming, or just hang out at cafes all day by reading or watching "Friends" or "Family Guy" with a big TV screen (I was a little thrown off by that). It has a nice mix of nature, originality, and modernity and the whole town is made for relaxing and nothing else. I forget which day it is and even where I am. I have to be careful not to spend the rest of my life here.    


4日間ヴィエンチャンにステイした後、トコジラミにやられた旅人の女の子に会ったのもあり、バスで4時間のところにあるヴァンヴィエンという小さな町に移動。ここは欧米人にはバケーションとして有名らしい。夜はパーティー会場になる所も多いらしいが、昼間はとても静かでかなり穏やか。壮大な崖山が聳え立ちNam Song川が流れ緑の茂みで囲まれているとっても美しい町。旅行者はカヤックをやったりチュービングをしたり泳いだり、又はカフェで一日中本を読んだり、かなり大きいテレビでアメリカでもよくやっていた「Friends」や「Family Guy」を見たりしている。これにはちょっと調子が狂うが、自然とオリジナリティーと現代観が良い具合に混じりあった感じの町。とにかく町全体がリラックスの為以外の何者でもないという感じ。何曜日なのか何日なのか、下手したらここが何処なのかも忘れてしまいそうになる。少しは気を付けないと、このまま一生ここに居たくなってきてしまう危険さがある。


Mekong River - The other side of the river is Thailand

My travel bodies: Summy & Kosaku

Sammy and Kosaku are impressed by the scene.

I don't know for sure but I don't think people eat dogs in Laos.

A trash can with Chao Anouvong statue in Vientiane

Vang Vieng


  1. ヴァンヴィエン!


  2. そうだったんだぁ。マヨもかなり面白い人にここで出会った。この旅で初めて、「続くなぁ」と思う人。ヴァンヴィエンの空気のせいか?
