Mar 8, 2014

Lives on the streets

It's been a week since I arrived in Hanoi. After I stayed with Linh for the first night, I've been staying in $5/day dormitory style hotel in the middle of the city. The life here is incomparable with the life in Ninh Binh. It's been exciting and overwhelming at the same time. I don't even know where to start describing this city. Once you step out to a street, there is no end to waves of people, vehicles, and so many different types of stores. There are sidewalks but they are filled up with motorbikes, food wagons, chairs, table and people. So, the sidewalks for pedestrians are basically same as cars, motorbikes, and bicycles. You have to keep your antenna high up when you walk the streets for avoiding a collision. However, it is definitely a city for tourists. Every corner there are tons of guys who have a motorbike or cyclo call you for a ride which I always ignore. If you stop to look at something in a store just even for a second, the worker is already there with you talking (they are physically very close to you but not in an aggressive way), and you usually cannot look around with your own pace without them telling you how nice the item is. When I ask them how much it costs and often the first thing they ask me is "are you Japanese?". I guess a price can differ depending on your nationality, though I got so much better at negotiating too. There are also tons of restaurants, cafes, eating houses (street restaurants), and food wagons one after another. I usually eat at the eating houses or food wagons because 1: it's much cheaper 2: it's the real food that ordinary Vietnamese eat and 3: it's delicious! And yes, I do sometimes worry about the cleanliness, but I've never got sick so far.
The most fascinating thing for me is that people's lives ooze out just by walking around the streets. As I saw in Ninh Binh as well, many people live in the back of their stores. While I drink coffee or beer at a eating house, the family/workers start eating dinner behind me (I almost was going to order the food they were eating). I see them cleaning meat for sale, knitting hats, stuffing dry food into bags, sleeping, eating, playing with friends' hair, putting manicures, etc. From the outsider's view they seem to be not worried about their privacy, or they simply don't have a choice to have one? I don't know. The work and home life is very much in a mix.





1 comment:

  1. 日本語上手になったね~。由利


