Mar 14, 2014

Still talking about Vietnam

I left the noisy, smokey, rainy and muddy Vietnam after being there for a month (this description might sound pretty bad, but it wasn't so bad). The stay in Vietnam was very thick and dense for me especially because I experienced the both country local life and city life. After I got in Hanoi, I heard from many travelers that they didn't like Vietnam because Vietnamese were not that nice and/or they didn't like the rainy days, but those people who said it were only staying there for 1 or 2 days and they moved on to their different destinations because they either felt that ways or they just wanted to keep going . I don't necessary disagree with them especially in Hanoi because people are honking all the time, trying to sell sell sell and often charge you higher than actual costs. However, what I've noticed about honking is that I think there are many meanings to it: 1. sings of warning (Ok, I'm coming, honk honk) 2. sings of making sure if they know (I'm behind you, so get out) 3. simply, Get Out of My Way! and there are probably more meanings than I've noticed, but if you just hear all the honks as outsiders, it sounds all the same. The rest of the business wills probably comes from a sing of survival.
In the country sides (as well as many other county sides) people are more patient and don't try to charge you as much as in the city. Vietnamese people often said that Vietnam is poor, but to me at  least at the micro-level people were richer than people in the U.S. They grow their own food, share food with neighbors, use everything they can and also everyone eat everything without being picky. They don't even have a food bank. How is anybody richer than having enough food and quality of time?

Now, I am in Vientiane, Laos.


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