Mar 22, 2014

Gecko Time

I have been living with many geckos in Vang Vieng. At restaurants, thatch roof tents, bathrooms and my room, they catch my eyes from 90 degree angle or make light cluck noise to get my attention. A good thing is that I don't mind them. I actually really like them. If they are shiny black fast moving flying creatures with feelers, I'm in a different place by now. Time at Laos, especially this town, Vang Vieng, moves very slow. I don't remember the last time I had this type of time just for myself. Well...actually that's not true. The time was always there, but my mind was not there with it. I wake up in the morning when I'm awake, look for a place to get a cup of coffee and breakfast, take a walk, read a book, listen to music, draw, sit and drink Beerlao, think and not think, etc. I'd better stop here because probably someone wants to kill me if I keep going what I do all day, but when I see people who live in this town (not travelers), what I do all day here is not that special. They work but still have latitude for themselves.
This place teaches me that a speed of time can be changed based on our place and perspectives and how to live "now". The challenge will be how to remember it when I don't have this environment.


My room - $5/day

Kids playing in the river during the sunset

1 comment:

  1. Because you're making me follow your travels, I poked around other blogs looking for Vang Vieng, and found your comments about time slowing down on another site, too ( He didn't mention drinking Beer all day like you, but I like your approach. Have fun:)
