May 16, 2014

Tacomepai Family

I finally left the farm after being there for more than a month with a bitter sweet feeling. I met so many wonderful people and learned not only about the permaculture but also how to live as a part of a community.
According to Sandot, who is the owner/founder of Tacomepai, permaculture is a lazy way of farming by cultivating nature around you. Everything works as killing two birds with one stone (it could be killing three or even four birds with one stone). Sen, who is a great assistant/teacher, often says all humans are lazy. I admit it and I don’t necessary think it only has a negative connotation. There is an art of laziness. However, there is no doubt that Sandot is a hard worker/scientist (I guess he is called as "Crazy Sandot" in the local area). Even though he already had the land from his farther, you can clearly realize how much time and effort he has but into it by seeing what he has accomplished in the farm. He might not even think what he has done is hard because he believes and enjoys what he does. Sandot thinks what he does is basically following what his ancestors did: Observe and learn from your ancestors who already have experiences, and when you do it, think about 7 generations ahead (as Native Americans also say). Over the course they taught us so many things: How to make natural soap, coconut oil, charcoal, tofu, different types of gardening, nutritious soil with compost, even water filters and many more. We also learned how to make dry leaf roofs that usually last for 5 to 7 years. According to Sandot, it's good that things don't last for a long time so that next generation knows how to do it also. One time, I cut my hand and it started to bleed. My first reaction was off course going to get bandages from my room, but Sandot stopped me and said I didn't need such a thing. He ripped a few pieces of Siam Weed leaves and chewed on them a little bit to wet it and put them on my hand with a thin bamboo string to tight it. Bleeding stopped in a few minutes and in an half day the cut was already healing. To me it was almost like a magic, jungle magic :) 

The most unforgettable thing at the farm life to me was meeting so many different wonderful people. We ate together, worked together, and hung out together. Even in a few days, we started to feel like a family by taking care of each other. In order to live in the community, I've learned that we all need certain requirements; respect, not sticking your nose to other people's business, do your parts, have patient, and love them. It's not easy to keep up with them all the time but after all these I believe we can all have freedom.



Sandot cooking sticky rice with bamboo

sticky rice that cooked in the bamboo

Sen drinking fresh soy milk

International dinner party

Raw cake made by me!!

Rice field house where I stayed last two weeks - so beautiful!


  1. Shiva sambho mayo, your letter and comments touched my heart. So true...
    Keep enjoying life as you do and i hope one day see you again!!!.

  2. Bertrand! Great surprise to see your comments! Thank you also for everything. Maybe we will have another banana coffee shake again together :) Enjoy life as well, Siva shamboh~
