May 27, 2014


Two of my friends/ex-coworkers from Missoula and I decided to meet up in Cambodia. It was first time we traveled together and stayed together for two weeks (11+ 1/2 days exactly). After I had a little rough time getting to the destination where we all met by scheduling a wrong bus, being ripped off at the boarder, being dropped off at nowhere and not quite sure where a bus is going for 10 hrs, and being ripped off again by a tuk tuk driver and hostel guy, I was so happy to see them and we gave big hugs to each other. After we chatted away and filled in with our life stories and shared good meals with beer, we decided to move to the south of Cambodia where we could sit on a beach.
Travelling by myself always requires to decide everything by myself as things come up; sometimes I make good decisions and sometimes not so good. But when there are three of us, it requires to make decisions together. At the beginning, we had to figure out what our priorities were in this trip. Erin's priority was to relax, Jessy's priority was to see local lives, and I just had to watch my budget. We probably thought that each of our priorities/necessities were pretty simple but to meet all of them at once every time we had to make decisions (even though they were small things, they were still "decisions"), it wasn't always a easy task and besides we also had different tastes of tolerances. However, we each respected each other's desires/necessities and learned to gave in, and most of all, we did enjoy what we ended up doing each moment. Especially at the end of our trip in Siem Riep, where they had an amazing temples of Ankor Wat, Erin and Jessy pretty much treated me a super nice hotel with a free massage and five star services. They actually tricked me by not telling me it's not just $5 guesthouse. Well...I don't blame them because otherwise I probably opposed to the idea with my cheap ass budget excuse. We shared a good balance of each of our personalities and had a great time together. Thanks Erin & Jessy for coming to see me in Cambodia! Love you both ~

最後の2,3日はあの歴史的なアンコール・ワットがあるSiem Reapに滞在し、エリンとジェシーが私には500円程度のゲストハウスだと言いながら、フリーマッサージ付き、サービス満点の高級ホテル(自分にとっては)を予約していた。まぁ、行く前から知っていたら、金銭的にせこい私は反対していただろうから内緒にしていたのもしょうがない。実際、大半は彼女達のほぼおごりで、今回最初で最後の姫気分を味あわせてもらった。それぞれ違う良し悪し部分を上手い具合にバランスを取り合い、なかなか楽しい旅になったと思う。エリン&ジェシー、会いに来てくれてありがと~。

Kampot Speciality - Black pepper

People also make salt in Kampot

Kids who we met on a street

puppies & me

Our Tuk Tuk tour guide/driver "sexy~" :)
トゥクトゥクのツアーガイド&ドライバー 「セクシィ~」☆

Angkor Wat

Jessy Erin  Mayo

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