Mar 29, 2014

Japan at Thailand

Even though I've been in Thailand only for 5 days, I rarely feel cultural differences between Thailand and Japan (so far). I'm actually surprised how similar we are. If I have to say one difference, I'd say that Thai people are much more relaxed than Japanese (I guess I've been seeing the same thing in every country I have gone so far). A bakery that I've been going near the guest house has a same atmosphere that I feel in some of bakeries/cafes in Japan. Many of the workers can speak Japanese (it seems pretty common in many other places as well). The signs are written in Thai, English, and Japanese. There are Japanese magazines that I sometimes read in Japan. Then, I found out that the owner of the bakery is married with Japanese woman. They seem to have many regular customers and I don't stop hearing chitchats and sounds of laughter between the workers/workers and workers/customers.
I asked Alhan, the owner of the guest house, what Thai people think about tourists. She said "We like them. We have respect". In fact she has mentioned "respect" so many times in our conversations. She also told me that they respect animals including cats and dogs. Even for cows, pigs, and chickens, when they kill them, they take a small part of them and consecrate to gods. When I told her my experience eating cats and dogs in Vietnam, she said that eating cats is like eating monks in Thai. There are tons of dogs everywhere. Some are pets and others are street dogs who are often taken care by monks at temples. I can't help feeling at ease at this place.


A boy and baby I met around Laos & Thai border

Dogs hanging out at an entrance of a temple

Street musicians - I loved their smile :)

Alhan (at right), who got a little too much drink at Karaoke :)


Mar 26, 2014

Happy Birthday to my Mom!!!

Everywhere I go, I find myself falling in love with places.
Here is the new place I'm in love with. Chiang Mai, Thailand, especially this guest house I found.
Alhan, who is the owner of this guest house, is very welcoming and make everybody feel at home. I met people from Sweden, German, Australia, and Canada. We celebrated the good company and my mom's birthday with a collection of international food!!
Happy Birthday Mom!!!!


Mar 22, 2014

Gecko Time

I have been living with many geckos in Vang Vieng. At restaurants, thatch roof tents, bathrooms and my room, they catch my eyes from 90 degree angle or make light cluck noise to get my attention. A good thing is that I don't mind them. I actually really like them. If they are shiny black fast moving flying creatures with feelers, I'm in a different place by now. Time at Laos, especially this town, Vang Vieng, moves very slow. I don't remember the last time I had this type of time just for myself. Well...actually that's not true. The time was always there, but my mind was not there with it. I wake up in the morning when I'm awake, look for a place to get a cup of coffee and breakfast, take a walk, read a book, listen to music, draw, sit and drink Beerlao, think and not think, etc. I'd better stop here because probably someone wants to kill me if I keep going what I do all day, but when I see people who live in this town (not travelers), what I do all day here is not that special. They work but still have latitude for themselves.
This place teaches me that a speed of time can be changed based on our place and perspectives and how to live "now". The challenge will be how to remember it when I don't have this environment.


My room - $5/day

Kids playing in the river during the sunset

Mar 17, 2014


I arrived in Vientiane, Laos a week ago from Hanoi, Vietnam by bus. It took 22 hours, which was faster than I expected, probably because I was in sleep for 3/4 of the way. At the border I had to pay 20000 kip (about $2.5, they even gave me a discount without me asking!)  instead of 10000 kip since my Vietnam visa was expired over one day since the bus took over night.
You would realize right away that Laos is so much more chilled than Vietnam by seeing the traffic and people. There are less motorbikes and they rarely honk at each other. I can see the traffic rules are more organized and people actually follow the rules. There are many monks who are wrapped with orange cloth walking sometimes with an umbrella for avoiding the sun. I can also look things with my own pace without a storekeeper standing right next to me. They rarely make discount but don't try to rip you off either.
The weather is really nice and can be too hot especially for me since I was used to cold Montana/Tokyo and rainy Vietnam weather. My shirt gets soaking wet just by walking around but dries quickly too. I haven't heard the scream of cicadas for a long time.

After staying in Vientiane for four days (a part of reasons I left was that I met a girl who got bitten by bedbugs in one of the hostels), I took another bus for four hours to come to another small town,Vang Vieng. It is well known for vacation place by many Europeans. It sounds like it can be a party town at night but it is very quiet and peaceful during the day. There are many big beautiful rocky mountains rising ahead with Nam Song river surrounded by dense colorful green trees. People either going to play in the river doing kayaking, tubing, and swimming, or just hang out at cafes all day by reading or watching "Friends" or "Family Guy" with a big TV screen (I was a little thrown off by that). It has a nice mix of nature, originality, and modernity and the whole town is made for relaxing and nothing else. I forget which day it is and even where I am. I have to be careful not to spend the rest of my life here.    


4日間ヴィエンチャンにステイした後、トコジラミにやられた旅人の女の子に会ったのもあり、バスで4時間のところにあるヴァンヴィエンという小さな町に移動。ここは欧米人にはバケーションとして有名らしい。夜はパーティー会場になる所も多いらしいが、昼間はとても静かでかなり穏やか。壮大な崖山が聳え立ちNam Song川が流れ緑の茂みで囲まれているとっても美しい町。旅行者はカヤックをやったりチュービングをしたり泳いだり、又はカフェで一日中本を読んだり、かなり大きいテレビでアメリカでもよくやっていた「Friends」や「Family Guy」を見たりしている。これにはちょっと調子が狂うが、自然とオリジナリティーと現代観が良い具合に混じりあった感じの町。とにかく町全体がリラックスの為以外の何者でもないという感じ。何曜日なのか何日なのか、下手したらここが何処なのかも忘れてしまいそうになる。少しは気を付けないと、このまま一生ここに居たくなってきてしまう危険さがある。


Mekong River - The other side of the river is Thailand

My travel bodies: Summy & Kosaku

Sammy and Kosaku are impressed by the scene.

I don't know for sure but I don't think people eat dogs in Laos.

A trash can with Chao Anouvong statue in Vientiane

Vang Vieng

Mar 14, 2014

Still talking about Vietnam

I left the noisy, smokey, rainy and muddy Vietnam after being there for a month (this description might sound pretty bad, but it wasn't so bad). The stay in Vietnam was very thick and dense for me especially because I experienced the both country local life and city life. After I got in Hanoi, I heard from many travelers that they didn't like Vietnam because Vietnamese were not that nice and/or they didn't like the rainy days, but those people who said it were only staying there for 1 or 2 days and they moved on to their different destinations because they either felt that ways or they just wanted to keep going . I don't necessary disagree with them especially in Hanoi because people are honking all the time, trying to sell sell sell and often charge you higher than actual costs. However, what I've noticed about honking is that I think there are many meanings to it: 1. sings of warning (Ok, I'm coming, honk honk) 2. sings of making sure if they know (I'm behind you, so get out) 3. simply, Get Out of My Way! and there are probably more meanings than I've noticed, but if you just hear all the honks as outsiders, it sounds all the same. The rest of the business wills probably comes from a sing of survival.
In the country sides (as well as many other county sides) people are more patient and don't try to charge you as much as in the city. Vietnamese people often said that Vietnam is poor, but to me at  least at the micro-level people were richer than people in the U.S. They grow their own food, share food with neighbors, use everything they can and also everyone eat everything without being picky. They don't even have a food bank. How is anybody richer than having enough food and quality of time?

Now, I am in Vientiane, Laos.


Mar 8, 2014

Lives on the streets

It's been a week since I arrived in Hanoi. After I stayed with Linh for the first night, I've been staying in $5/day dormitory style hotel in the middle of the city. The life here is incomparable with the life in Ninh Binh. It's been exciting and overwhelming at the same time. I don't even know where to start describing this city. Once you step out to a street, there is no end to waves of people, vehicles, and so many different types of stores. There are sidewalks but they are filled up with motorbikes, food wagons, chairs, table and people. So, the sidewalks for pedestrians are basically same as cars, motorbikes, and bicycles. You have to keep your antenna high up when you walk the streets for avoiding a collision. However, it is definitely a city for tourists. Every corner there are tons of guys who have a motorbike or cyclo call you for a ride which I always ignore. If you stop to look at something in a store just even for a second, the worker is already there with you talking (they are physically very close to you but not in an aggressive way), and you usually cannot look around with your own pace without them telling you how nice the item is. When I ask them how much it costs and often the first thing they ask me is "are you Japanese?". I guess a price can differ depending on your nationality, though I got so much better at negotiating too. There are also tons of restaurants, cafes, eating houses (street restaurants), and food wagons one after another. I usually eat at the eating houses or food wagons because 1: it's much cheaper 2: it's the real food that ordinary Vietnamese eat and 3: it's delicious! And yes, I do sometimes worry about the cleanliness, but I've never got sick so far.
The most fascinating thing for me is that people's lives ooze out just by walking around the streets. As I saw in Ninh Binh as well, many people live in the back of their stores. While I drink coffee or beer at a eating house, the family/workers start eating dinner behind me (I almost was going to order the food they were eating). I see them cleaning meat for sale, knitting hats, stuffing dry food into bags, sleeping, eating, playing with friends' hair, putting manicures, etc. From the outsider's view they seem to be not worried about their privacy, or they simply don't have a choice to have one? I don't know. The work and home life is very much in a mix.





Mar 4, 2014

Hanoi, Vietnam


I left the family in Ninh Binh after we had the Sunday family lunch. It was hard to say good-bye even though I only spent two weeks with them. I felt that they did so much for me, but in Vietnam it is just a natural thing for a family to do whatever they can do to help you once you are a part of the family. On the other hand, if you have too much consideration just because you are a guest, it might become harder to be a part of a family.    

The family and some kids from the neighborhood waited a bus for me to go to Hanoi. It took about three hours while I was in the very back seat with seven other people even though it was for five people maximum. But I guess what we call "maximum" is again based on our perspectives. By the time I couldn't feel my butt, I arrived in Hanoi. So many taxi or motorcycle guys already found me even before the bus completely stopped. Fortunately the family in Ninh Binh arranged for me to meet with their sister-in-law, Linh, to pick me up, and somehow she found me in this crazy bus station. I don't know what else to describe this place besides "CRAZINESS!!!". I was so glad there was Linh. I rode on the back of her motorcycle, and the traffic was again crazy...It looked like there was no law once you are in a road, but I have to say that this is one of my favorite parts to ride on the back of a motorcycle in this hectic place! 
Linh took me to a restaurant and her favorite ice cream shop while she was showing me the night scene of Hanoi.   
I stayed with her for the night and even shared the bed (It's nice of her to share her bed even though she just met me a few hours ago). Thanks Linh!         





Mar 1, 2014

The Real Simple

I'd like to list a few things that I've realized how efficient the home in Vietnam is. The house that I'm staying is not that big, but it is very comfortable and effective. I call this is The Real Simple.


This is all the dishes they have. During the meal, each of them uses a small bowl for rice and we pick accompaniments from shared bowls, so this is enough dishes to have for a family of four.


The dish cabinet is the same as the drying rack. The water drips into the sink and they don't have to dry or put them away after washing!


Even though the kitchen can be small, they have the outside kitchen too!


The bed can be a sofa and the sofa can be a bed just with a cloth or a mosquito net.


The tea pot is kept in this basket to keep it warm all day.
