Feb 19, 2014

Family Dinner


We left home around 7am to visit the whole family and Hoan's wife who has been staying in a hospital for a week. Most people in Vietnam owe a motorcycle but not always a car. So when many of us go somewhere together, we often hire a driver. There were six of us besides the driver getting in a car. Mom and Dad sat together on the front seat and four of us got in the back seat. It was pretty packed, but I guess this is normal in Vietnam since there are so many people and only a few cars are available. I've realized six people in a regular sized car is nothing because there were eight of us later on. We had to pretty much sit on each other's lap then.

Before we went to visit Hoan’s wife, we stopped by at a house of Mom’s sister. I guess today is a day the whole family get together once in a while and eat together. At least 30 relatives showed up, and among them there were lots of older folks, some young adults, and kids. I introduced myself in Vietnamese but who knows how it came out, but they were all smiling and welcomed me. 
Elders were all sitting inside, younger women were working at the kitchen, and kids played outside. 

The dinner had started, but there is an order who eat first. Duc (who is a grandson of Mon and Dad and has bee a sort of my translator) explained that one of the reasons was simply there was not enough room for everyone to eat at once. 
First, all the elders eat, next, some members of the family, and finally the family I've been staying with, young adults, and kids. I imagine another reason for this is something about "respect". The kids were getting hungry but never complained. Duc said to me "don't worry, we can eat soon". Maybe I was showing how hungry I was without noticing...

Finally we sat down on a straw mat to eat. I haven't seen any women drinking, but since I do drink and I am a sort of guest, they kept offering me beer and sake. Every time they poured me the sake, they cheered for "friendship", "peace", "family", "health", and "fertility". They also kept putting food on my rice bowl especially chicken that had tender parts. At some point you have to learn "I'm full" in Vietnamese. They all laugh a lot, eat a lot, and drink a lot. Even though this doesn't happen everyday, I thought maybe the origin of "family" is kept in this type of tradition. 


今日は朝からHoanの奥さんが入院しているという病院へ行くという事で7時に出発。ベトナムではたいていの人は原付を持っているが、車があるとは限らない。なので大人数で移動する時は運転手を雇う。お父さん、お母さん、お姉さん、Hoan, お姉さんの息子Ducと私でギューギュー  詰めで車に乗り込む。とは言っても6人なんてどうってことなく、後々は8人で重なり合って乗るという具合だ。病院にまず行くと思いきや、お母さんのお姉さんの家にまず寄るということ。女性達が食事の支度をしている間、Ducとそのまた親戚がお寺に連れて行ってくれた、がその話はまた後日。1,2時間ほどして帰ってくると、お年寄りから子供まで30人以上の人が集まっていた。今日は親戚一同の集まりだったらしい。一応、片言にもなっていないベトナム語で自己紹介をしておいた。通じているのかいないのかは別として、とにかく皆笑顔で迎えてくれる。おじいちゃん、おばあちゃん、男達は皆家の中、女達は台所で食事の準備、子供たちは外で遊ぶ。

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