Feb 28, 2014

There are two dogs in this house. They both don't have names. One is female and another one is male. The female dog is very smart, nurturing and has maternal instict. The male dog is dominant, wild and a little dumb (He reminds me my old dog, Don). They get fed left over of rice and meat bones if there are any. They are usually chained to the trees but get to be freed once or twice a day. In fact the female dog gets to be freed lot more often than the male dog because she is smart and doesn't usually bark at people. She doesn't even bark even if she is hungry. She seems to know barking doesn't really work to be fed, so instead she just curls up and not wastes her energy. When she is free, she often waits Mom, Dad, and Hoan to come home by the entrance. She is gentle with the cats too.
On the other hand, the male dog barks a lot every time we have visitors. He jumps even the chain pulls his collar, barks, roars, and keeps walking around in circle. He is often chained by the tree while she is freed. He always is the one to start playing with her and sometimes cats even though he gets punched by them.
People in Vietnam eat dogs too. Yah, why not eat dogs but cats, right? So I tell him every time he doesn't stop barking at people, "you have to be a little quieter. Otherwise you gonna get eaten". I'm probably the only one (or a few at the most) to talk to dogs and cats in this town. At the begging both of the dogs were barking at me too. They didn't know what to think of me when I talked to them, but now they let me even pet them with their tails wagging. I slightly have a mixed feeling by my action because we say that we shouldn't feed to wild animals.
Dad and Mom took me to a neighbor's house yesterday for a big lunch for Doctors' Day that they have once a year. All the retired nurses including Mom around the neighborhood got together and cooked food. I finally had dog meat as well. I knew it was coming at some points but didn't know it came yesterday. Fortunately I didn't have to see all the process like I did for the cats. I'll be staying with this family until Sunday. I am selfish to say this, but I hope I don't have to see the two dogs who I'm already attached eaten at least until I leave...


Female Dog

Male Dog
Retired nurses - They go so excited when I took pictures of them.

1 comment:

  1. まさしく、「犬」のタイトルの記事ですね。読み終わる頃泣きそうになってしまいました。門の所で帰りを待っている姿を見ても、食べられてしまうのか。。。そんなの悲しすぎる。その犬達、まよちゃんていう「人間」に会えて幸せだったと思う。
