Feb 22, 2014

Mom in Ninh Binh

I wake up with the sound of "cock-a-doodle-doo" every morning. By the time I get out from my bed, everybody in the house is already up. Mom starts preparing breakfast. Usually we each eat breakfast separately as we wake up. After the breakfast, sometimes Mom goes to the market and buy fresh vegetables, meat, and sometimes fish, but she often uses her own chickens, eggs, herbs, veggies, and leaves from the back yard. I've never seen her rushing nor just sitting except for a nap after lunch for an hour. She spends most of her time cooking breakfast, lunch, and dinner. First I wondered how can she spend all her time cooking, but I've realized everything she does, she does it with care and spends enough time for details. Also, she does most of her cooking from scratch (including food for chicken). For example, if she wants to use ground chicken for her cooking, she just makes the ground chicken as a part of her cooking process. "Buying" the meat that is already grounded probably never occurs to her. She put a piece of chicken that she has raised on a cutting board and starts chopping. She keeps chopping till it gets grounded. I know it sounds so simple, but it just never occur to me that ground meat can be made in this way as well. She also made a soup out of freshwater crab that she got from the market in the morning. She crushed them in a millstone and poured water. Then she strained it with her hands several times to take out the any waste to make the broth. At the end she put chives that she picked from her garden and cooked with it. There is nothing wasteful. Food she makes is delicious, and I try everything. More I see how much time she spends for cooking for the family, my appreciation for her and food gets increased. She probably doesn't even consider what she does is special. This is the everyday life for her as each life is the daily life for everyone.



  1. I am glad you are enjoying Vietnam stay. Bonchan is missing you. love your pics

  2. 自分で裁いた鶏肉の残りをまな板の上でみじん切りにする~~?すごすぎる。・・・食への感謝が深まる。まよちゃ、素晴らしい一日、いちにちを過ごしているんだね。感動が伝わってくる^-^

  3. Yukari~. I miss Bon too! The dogs here are getting use to me too :)

  4. まちゃよ!刺激の毎日です。ベトナム最高。あとそうそう、言われて気づいたけど、塀が高いのね。
