Feb 14, 2014


I left home this afternoon to finally (!!!) start my traveling that I have dreamed of for more than 7 years. 

It doesn't matter how many times I take flights to leave Japan, I always get this unsettling feelings (almost like nauseous and exciting at the same time. It's like the feeling of drinking too much coffee while having hangover)  until I actually get on a plane. 
Once I got on the plane, I fell into a deep sleep since I didn't really sleep well the night before. Within 2.5 hours the plane was landed in South Korea. Now I have 23 hours layover till I take another flight to Vietnam. 


マヨ出発3.JPG をスライド ショーで表示

Since I have a whole day in Korea, I should enjoy at least a feeling of being Korea even though it's just in the airport. So of course I ordered a kimchi dish. I imagine this is the real thing (even it is at the airport). It is much hotter than I have eaten in Japan. 
I have also realized that Koreans who work at the airport is much more casual than Japanese workers. I can't really tell a difference by appearance between Koreans and Japanese, but they seem not so uptight. Maybe because I can only interact with them in English, but they are not so formal as Japanese. It's not about better or worse but interesting to see the difference.    
Another thing I've realized is that this airport seems to have vigor. Usually people are so exhausted by travelling and the scene always remind me a day old soupy rice, which the top gets really dry and inside gets heavy and gooey. But at this airport people seem to be enjoying shopping, eating, and relaxing. This might be a power of Kimchi...?


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