Feb 20, 2014



As the first time, I went shopping by myself in Vietnam. I bought a reusable mask, envelops, and grapes. I've heard so many times that you get ripped off all the time in Vietnam if you are foreigners. In fact, not just sellers try to rip you off but also people around team up with the sellers. People in Vietnam are very nice but I guess this is a separate matter. According to a book, we should never take the price that is offered at first. It can easily be a half price from what is originally offered. So I was told to get ready for this type of situations. However, at this point, I have no idea which money is how much and what is a value cost for each item. I tried to ask Dad how it works, but since we don't speak a common language, I only got a vague idea. Anyways, I figured this is a part of travel experiences and learning opportunities.
First, I bought a mask. At this point I only had 100.000 vnd bill as the lowest. I had no idea how much change I supposed to have, but what the heck, after I asked her how much it was, I said to the woman "it is too expensive" as I pointed a different bill on my travel book. But she was a tough one to deal with (I'm sure she thought the same about me). She kept saying something that I didn't understand at all. Another lady came from a different booth and she was saying the woman was right. I made a face that said "it doesn't make sense". There was no way to win the game since I don't understand the rule, so at the end I didn't have any choice but to accept.
Next one was grape. I made a same call and told the lady "half off!""It's too expensive!""It's not right!". I'm sure I was one of the annoying lady if it was in the U.S, but I couldn't keep up with a poker face and started laughing while the other lady already wasn't taking me seriously. At the end off course I paid what was told. Later I asked Mom if I paid too much. She said I paid right price. I guess I didn't do too bad as we say ”beginner's luck”.




  1. wow, wow you have so, so fresh eyes in Vietnam @o@ I am looking forward to see your next article !

  2. 笑えるー。
