Feb 17, 2014

Ninh Binh, Vietnam

Finally I found a way to use an internet. I will update the blog whenever I can to try to catch up with my daily life.


I landed in Hanoi on 2/14 (Happy Birthday my Llama!) after 9:30pm. When I looked down the city just before the plane was landing, I saw just several dots of light from the window. Hanoi is the capital in Vietnam. Just by seeing the scene, you can tell it is not like Tokyo or NY where the city never sleeps.
When I got out from the custom, there was a guy who was holding a blue paper bag saying "Osawa Mayo". He was a brother of my friend who came to pick me up. He doesn't speak any English nor Japanese, so I just decided to follow him (good thing he is not just a guy at the airport!).
Now, we spent about three hours to get to Ninh Binh, where I've been staying with the family for a few weeks. By seeing the scene that kept passing by from the car window, I started getting excited! Here I am in Vietnam!
When we arrived in the family house in Ninh Binh, it was past 1am. The mom and dad usually are in bed by 9pm were waiting for me. They welcomed me and brought me a bowl of noodle soup. They didn't just feed me but also ate together. There was no understanding by words between us, but I was already touched by their gesture itself.  



税関をを出たとろこに、青い紙袋で「Osawa Mayo」と書いてあるサインを持った人を見つけた。友達の弟、Hoanが迎えに来てくれていた。彼は日本語も英語も話さないので、とりあえず「私がマヨだ」という事だけ分かり合って、ただ彼について行く事にした(Tuanとちえこさんありがとう!これだけでも一安心!)。彼是3時間ほど車に乗ってHoanの家族がいる家ニンビンに向かう。車の窓から過ぎ去っていく景色を見ながら、かなりテンションが上がってきた。遂にベトナム!

1 comment:

  1. まよちゃん、旅のスタートオメデトウ!!!全く別世界に突入したんだね^^ ベトナムが出発地になるとは、ミズーラにいるときは考えてなかった。。。?写真の塀高いね。普通の人の家の塀とは思えない!日本のお菓子やふりかけ、シチューありがとう!(ここで言うか!)
