Aug 15, 2014

Two Homes

First of all, I'm sorry for not updating the blog for almost two months. I'm not going to explain why I haven't written because whatever I say it will be an excuse.

Anyhow, after visiting Cambodia, I've decided to end my travel in South East Asia. I felt like I was at a point of just wondering around without any intention if I just continued. I don't mean I had to have intention all the time during my travel; a part of the fun of travelling for me was not to have any intention/plan. Basically I felt very satisfied with my experiences in this past four months and felt like it was time to go home.
I went back to Missoula Montana for a few weeks to see my husband, where my home is, and now I am in Japan, where also my home is, working at my brother's farm in Nagano for the summer.

Now I look back all of my experiences during the travel, I feel it is like a dream. In a way it was a dream. Even though all of my experiences were very thick and meaningful, I often felt like things I was experiencing was not real. I mean, I felt like I was always in someone else life and not my own. Maybe that's how people who keep travelling are; not to grow roots in a particular place. Of course it was me choosing what to experience each moment, but I realized everything I chose was momentary.
Before I started travelling, I wasn't sure why I wanted to travel so bad, but I sort of figured it out while I was travelling: wanted to intentionally get off from a rail of the society, thought that travelling = freedom, looking for "happiness", wanted to live "now", just wanted to see other worlds, wanted to rest, and so on.
I think I've completed all of the above, and I've realized I can have pretty much all of them no matter where I am. It's all up to me.
Everything in this world exist as momentary and so I also should live "now" as each moment. I know I am contradicting myself by saying this, but I missed something solid. I missed my own life that I can create with people I care. Problems exist everywhere but as long as you have the basic necessities, which I am very fortunate that I have them, happiness exists in ourselves. To live "now" is still my life time goal while I live in this crazy and hectic but exciting world. As of now, I am excited to just live and create with whatever we have available, which is endless.

At the end, I want to thank you to my family, friends, and more friends I met during my travel to support me and made my time precious. And I want to specially thank you to my dear husband/life partner, Steve, for being patient and supportive for my well-being.





May 27, 2014


Two of my friends/ex-coworkers from Missoula and I decided to meet up in Cambodia. It was first time we traveled together and stayed together for two weeks (11+ 1/2 days exactly). After I had a little rough time getting to the destination where we all met by scheduling a wrong bus, being ripped off at the boarder, being dropped off at nowhere and not quite sure where a bus is going for 10 hrs, and being ripped off again by a tuk tuk driver and hostel guy, I was so happy to see them and we gave big hugs to each other. After we chatted away and filled in with our life stories and shared good meals with beer, we decided to move to the south of Cambodia where we could sit on a beach.
Travelling by myself always requires to decide everything by myself as things come up; sometimes I make good decisions and sometimes not so good. But when there are three of us, it requires to make decisions together. At the beginning, we had to figure out what our priorities were in this trip. Erin's priority was to relax, Jessy's priority was to see local lives, and I just had to watch my budget. We probably thought that each of our priorities/necessities were pretty simple but to meet all of them at once every time we had to make decisions (even though they were small things, they were still "decisions"), it wasn't always a easy task and besides we also had different tastes of tolerances. However, we each respected each other's desires/necessities and learned to gave in, and most of all, we did enjoy what we ended up doing each moment. Especially at the end of our trip in Siem Riep, where they had an amazing temples of Ankor Wat, Erin and Jessy pretty much treated me a super nice hotel with a free massage and five star services. They actually tricked me by not telling me it's not just $5 guesthouse. Well...I don't blame them because otherwise I probably opposed to the idea with my cheap ass budget excuse. We shared a good balance of each of our personalities and had a great time together. Thanks Erin & Jessy for coming to see me in Cambodia! Love you both ~

最後の2,3日はあの歴史的なアンコール・ワットがあるSiem Reapに滞在し、エリンとジェシーが私には500円程度のゲストハウスだと言いながら、フリーマッサージ付き、サービス満点の高級ホテル(自分にとっては)を予約していた。まぁ、行く前から知っていたら、金銭的にせこい私は反対していただろうから内緒にしていたのもしょうがない。実際、大半は彼女達のほぼおごりで、今回最初で最後の姫気分を味あわせてもらった。それぞれ違う良し悪し部分を上手い具合にバランスを取り合い、なかなか楽しい旅になったと思う。エリン&ジェシー、会いに来てくれてありがと~。

Kampot Speciality - Black pepper

People also make salt in Kampot

Kids who we met on a street

puppies & me

Our Tuk Tuk tour guide/driver "sexy~" :)
トゥクトゥクのツアーガイド&ドライバー 「セクシィ~」☆

Angkor Wat

Jessy Erin  Mayo

May 16, 2014

Tacomepai Family

I finally left the farm after being there for more than a month with a bitter sweet feeling. I met so many wonderful people and learned not only about the permaculture but also how to live as a part of a community.
According to Sandot, who is the owner/founder of Tacomepai, permaculture is a lazy way of farming by cultivating nature around you. Everything works as killing two birds with one stone (it could be killing three or even four birds with one stone). Sen, who is a great assistant/teacher, often says all humans are lazy. I admit it and I don’t necessary think it only has a negative connotation. There is an art of laziness. However, there is no doubt that Sandot is a hard worker/scientist (I guess he is called as "Crazy Sandot" in the local area). Even though he already had the land from his farther, you can clearly realize how much time and effort he has but into it by seeing what he has accomplished in the farm. He might not even think what he has done is hard because he believes and enjoys what he does. Sandot thinks what he does is basically following what his ancestors did: Observe and learn from your ancestors who already have experiences, and when you do it, think about 7 generations ahead (as Native Americans also say). Over the course they taught us so many things: How to make natural soap, coconut oil, charcoal, tofu, different types of gardening, nutritious soil with compost, even water filters and many more. We also learned how to make dry leaf roofs that usually last for 5 to 7 years. According to Sandot, it's good that things don't last for a long time so that next generation knows how to do it also. One time, I cut my hand and it started to bleed. My first reaction was off course going to get bandages from my room, but Sandot stopped me and said I didn't need such a thing. He ripped a few pieces of Siam Weed leaves and chewed on them a little bit to wet it and put them on my hand with a thin bamboo string to tight it. Bleeding stopped in a few minutes and in an half day the cut was already healing. To me it was almost like a magic, jungle magic :) 

The most unforgettable thing at the farm life to me was meeting so many different wonderful people. We ate together, worked together, and hung out together. Even in a few days, we started to feel like a family by taking care of each other. In order to live in the community, I've learned that we all need certain requirements; respect, not sticking your nose to other people's business, do your parts, have patient, and love them. It's not easy to keep up with them all the time but after all these I believe we can all have freedom.



Sandot cooking sticky rice with bamboo

sticky rice that cooked in the bamboo

Sen drinking fresh soy milk

International dinner party

Raw cake made by me!!

Rice field house where I stayed last two weeks - so beautiful!

Apr 21, 2014


It's been a while since I last updated the blog.
To friends who were worrying about me; Don't worry, I've been great! I was just away from internet for a while.
And here is why:
On the day I was thinking to leave Pai, Thailand, after staying for four days, I was informed by a lady in a cafe about Tacomepai, which I knew nothing about. It sounded like very similar to WWOOF, which I was very interested in doing during my travel but I was giving up because I didn't get any responses from any farm I contacted.
Tacomepai is an organic farm that strives sustainable living and teaches "Permaculture" (
As soon as I heard about it even though I still didn't quite understand, I just thought "OK, this is it". I was actually 5 minutes away by walk from the cafe that I was at to the farm. I came here to look and made sure with Sandot, who is the founder/owner of this place, if they could accept my stay and I moved in an hour later.
There are about 15 - 20 people (average) who are from all over the world. Some stays for a few days or few weeks, and some others stay for a few months or more. We each stay in a bamboo house that volunteers/students in the past built with Sandot's instruction. The structure of the houses are pretty simple but very comfortable. Many of the houses have bamboo walls and doors but usually an half of the space is wide open to outside nature. Shower (often just cold water) and bathroom that they also made with ecosystem are attached to each house, and again there is no roof in the bathroom. Once you get used to this wild bathroom, you would feel so free while you take the shower - I highly recommend it! We each take turn (voluntarily) to cook for three meals for everyone and we shout to the rice field and forest to call that meal is ready to let everyone know. We always have to come up with menus based on what's available in the kitchen and gardens. Meals are vegetarian (close to vegan) and nobody usually drinks alcohol even though there are no rules for it. I have been waking up around 6:30am (even without an alarm clock, which i couldn't do at all when I was still working) to prepare breakfast. We look in the small fridge in the kitchen to get some ideas what we have for left over. We go to the garden to look for some greens and pick whatever it's ready to be harvested. We start making fire for cooking with woods that other volunteers chopped. One time I even made coffee with the beans from this farm and roasted for about four hours or more and crashed them with a millstone (the coffee that I poured in the bamboo cup tasted extra good with love!) After the breakfast, we usually start a few projects for the day, such as watering gardens, finding seeds in the forest, planting, doing constructions, etc. There are always things to do in the farm, but what I like about this farm is that nobody forces you to work. If you want to help with projects, you choose which one you want to work on. If you want to relax, you relax. People who I meet here are very interesting and many of them are amazing. They are very conscious and passionate about world, society, food, culture, art, and more. Often I end up spending time with the people who I run into in the farm. Even though we probably don't agree all the time, everyone is open to the differences. We all have different stories and we often have similar stories why we've ended up in this place. In a few days, I will start taking a two weeks course of Permaculture, which I will be so happy if I can utilize it for the near future.


a woman making tofu

re-protecting a coffee tree

watering a garden by utilizing a recycled bicycle


coffee that made with love

making Thai sweets for the New Year

Natural Bathroom

Miss Piggy, whose babies should be coming soon

Apr 3, 2014

Frog Hunting

Alhan, the owner of the guest house, offered me to go to her home in a countryside to see a local life. Alhan has two kids: one is ten years old, Ton Fun, who loves to eat, and five years old, Ton Fai, who is very silly and tomboy. They live in the mountain during the school vacation with their dad and live in Chiangmai for the rest of the time. Even though they were pretty shy at the beginning, they warmed up with me pretty quickly. Kids are great because we can communicate by playing together without words. Even though Ton Fun is only ten-year-old, he drives a motorbike and he took me to a little village market by me riding on the back of his motorbike. The life there is once again very simple and casual. They have a fire place in the kitchen and make fire every time they cook. The kids automatically help with cooking and cleaning dishes. Ton Fai, the five-year-old, uses a cooking knife very well and peels and cut a papaya.
On the second night Ton Fun invited me to go to frog hunting with his friend. Ton Fun and I rode on the back of a motorbike with his 13-year-old friend being a driver. We stopped by a few fields with a flash light with our hands. I couldn't tell if it was a legal or illegal to do frog hunting at night because they sometimes ordered me to turn off the light quickly for not being seen by other people. At the beginning I thought this frog hunting is just for fun thing to do for kids, but I was wrong. I saw several other adults as well with flash lights and I stopped being silly after I realized that they were dead serious including the friend of Ton Fun. I started wondering if these frogs had to be for food, and I was right. What was amazing was that they had some special eyes in the dark to find tiny frogs that were same gray color as the dirt. Ton Fun and I teamed up and went to a separate way from the friend. Ton Fun told me that I should look for flashing eyes when I look for them. Once we saw something was flashing, so we slowly got close to it and it was a firefly... I pretty much squat walked to try to look for them closely with my flashlight, and I found two frogs which I missed to catch both of them. Ton Fun found three of them but he also missed two. So at the end we only got one...At the other hand, Ton Fun's friend got more than ten! I couldn't figure out how he did it, but when he searched them, he didn't squat and tried to find them by his feet like I did. He just illuminated ten feel away with his flash light and somehow found them. In fact it wasn't just him. Everybody else was doing the same way except Ton Fun and me. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I didn't get to see how they prepare to eat them because Alhan didn't want to kill the frog because she is a Buddhist and so we let them go. I did understand Alhan's feeling but at the same time I couldn't help myself feeling bad for Ton Fun's friend because they were food for people in the mountain (even though Alhan paid him later). I assume people who live in the mountain are also Buddhist, but their actions can differ depending on their life style.


Ton Fai playing with her teddy bear

Ton Fun eating cabbage - yam yam

Dad and Ton Fai preparing lunch at the kitchen

Ton Fun's friend who is very good at frog hunting

Neighbor who is a part of Karen

Alhan and Ton Fun taking nap

Mar 29, 2014

Japan at Thailand

Even though I've been in Thailand only for 5 days, I rarely feel cultural differences between Thailand and Japan (so far). I'm actually surprised how similar we are. If I have to say one difference, I'd say that Thai people are much more relaxed than Japanese (I guess I've been seeing the same thing in every country I have gone so far). A bakery that I've been going near the guest house has a same atmosphere that I feel in some of bakeries/cafes in Japan. Many of the workers can speak Japanese (it seems pretty common in many other places as well). The signs are written in Thai, English, and Japanese. There are Japanese magazines that I sometimes read in Japan. Then, I found out that the owner of the bakery is married with Japanese woman. They seem to have many regular customers and I don't stop hearing chitchats and sounds of laughter between the workers/workers and workers/customers.
I asked Alhan, the owner of the guest house, what Thai people think about tourists. She said "We like them. We have respect". In fact she has mentioned "respect" so many times in our conversations. She also told me that they respect animals including cats and dogs. Even for cows, pigs, and chickens, when they kill them, they take a small part of them and consecrate to gods. When I told her my experience eating cats and dogs in Vietnam, she said that eating cats is like eating monks in Thai. There are tons of dogs everywhere. Some are pets and others are street dogs who are often taken care by monks at temples. I can't help feeling at ease at this place.


A boy and baby I met around Laos & Thai border

Dogs hanging out at an entrance of a temple

Street musicians - I loved their smile :)

Alhan (at right), who got a little too much drink at Karaoke :)


Mar 26, 2014

Happy Birthday to my Mom!!!

Everywhere I go, I find myself falling in love with places.
Here is the new place I'm in love with. Chiang Mai, Thailand, especially this guest house I found.
Alhan, who is the owner of this guest house, is very welcoming and make everybody feel at home. I met people from Sweden, German, Australia, and Canada. We celebrated the good company and my mom's birthday with a collection of international food!!
Happy Birthday Mom!!!!


Mar 22, 2014

Gecko Time

I have been living with many geckos in Vang Vieng. At restaurants, thatch roof tents, bathrooms and my room, they catch my eyes from 90 degree angle or make light cluck noise to get my attention. A good thing is that I don't mind them. I actually really like them. If they are shiny black fast moving flying creatures with feelers, I'm in a different place by now. Time at Laos, especially this town, Vang Vieng, moves very slow. I don't remember the last time I had this type of time just for myself. Well...actually that's not true. The time was always there, but my mind was not there with it. I wake up in the morning when I'm awake, look for a place to get a cup of coffee and breakfast, take a walk, read a book, listen to music, draw, sit and drink Beerlao, think and not think, etc. I'd better stop here because probably someone wants to kill me if I keep going what I do all day, but when I see people who live in this town (not travelers), what I do all day here is not that special. They work but still have latitude for themselves.
This place teaches me that a speed of time can be changed based on our place and perspectives and how to live "now". The challenge will be how to remember it when I don't have this environment.


My room - $5/day

Kids playing in the river during the sunset

Mar 17, 2014


I arrived in Vientiane, Laos a week ago from Hanoi, Vietnam by bus. It took 22 hours, which was faster than I expected, probably because I was in sleep for 3/4 of the way. At the border I had to pay 20000 kip (about $2.5, they even gave me a discount without me asking!)  instead of 10000 kip since my Vietnam visa was expired over one day since the bus took over night.
You would realize right away that Laos is so much more chilled than Vietnam by seeing the traffic and people. There are less motorbikes and they rarely honk at each other. I can see the traffic rules are more organized and people actually follow the rules. There are many monks who are wrapped with orange cloth walking sometimes with an umbrella for avoiding the sun. I can also look things with my own pace without a storekeeper standing right next to me. They rarely make discount but don't try to rip you off either.
The weather is really nice and can be too hot especially for me since I was used to cold Montana/Tokyo and rainy Vietnam weather. My shirt gets soaking wet just by walking around but dries quickly too. I haven't heard the scream of cicadas for a long time.

After staying in Vientiane for four days (a part of reasons I left was that I met a girl who got bitten by bedbugs in one of the hostels), I took another bus for four hours to come to another small town,Vang Vieng. It is well known for vacation place by many Europeans. It sounds like it can be a party town at night but it is very quiet and peaceful during the day. There are many big beautiful rocky mountains rising ahead with Nam Song river surrounded by dense colorful green trees. People either going to play in the river doing kayaking, tubing, and swimming, or just hang out at cafes all day by reading or watching "Friends" or "Family Guy" with a big TV screen (I was a little thrown off by that). It has a nice mix of nature, originality, and modernity and the whole town is made for relaxing and nothing else. I forget which day it is and even where I am. I have to be careful not to spend the rest of my life here.    


4日間ヴィエンチャンにステイした後、トコジラミにやられた旅人の女の子に会ったのもあり、バスで4時間のところにあるヴァンヴィエンという小さな町に移動。ここは欧米人にはバケーションとして有名らしい。夜はパーティー会場になる所も多いらしいが、昼間はとても静かでかなり穏やか。壮大な崖山が聳え立ちNam Song川が流れ緑の茂みで囲まれているとっても美しい町。旅行者はカヤックをやったりチュービングをしたり泳いだり、又はカフェで一日中本を読んだり、かなり大きいテレビでアメリカでもよくやっていた「Friends」や「Family Guy」を見たりしている。これにはちょっと調子が狂うが、自然とオリジナリティーと現代観が良い具合に混じりあった感じの町。とにかく町全体がリラックスの為以外の何者でもないという感じ。何曜日なのか何日なのか、下手したらここが何処なのかも忘れてしまいそうになる。少しは気を付けないと、このまま一生ここに居たくなってきてしまう危険さがある。


Mekong River - The other side of the river is Thailand

My travel bodies: Summy & Kosaku

Sammy and Kosaku are impressed by the scene.

I don't know for sure but I don't think people eat dogs in Laos.

A trash can with Chao Anouvong statue in Vientiane

Vang Vieng